Restrictive Dieting Harms Your Health In Seven Major Ways

Another hallmark of serotonin deficiency, obsessiveness, is linked to the development of eating disorders. Nutrient deficiency Low-calorie diets are low in both macronutrients – fat, protein and carbs – and micronutrients, or vitamins and minerals. One symptom of vitamin B1 deficiency, for example, is loss of appetite, while deficiency of the mineral zinc is expressed as both loss of appetite and the lack of enjoyment of foods without strong, sweet, salty or spicy tastes. A weakened appetite may pave the way for anorexia, while zinc deficiency may also result in avoidance of healthful foods like fruits and vegetables that are abundant in nutrients.
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Robbie Williams – Robbie Williams Shamed Into Dieting By Elvis Insult

The former Take That star has battled a fluctuating waistline since he was a teenager, and earlier this year (13), he began to pile on the pounds again. An unkind article in the Daily Mail newspaper cruelly compared the star to Elvis Presley when his weight ballooned in the 1970s, but Williams is grateful for the insult as it forced him to cut back on the calories. He tells the newspaper’s Weekend magazine, “An article in the Daily Mail said I was starting to look like Elvis during a performance in Sweden. It did spur me on to a dramatic weight loss. Since then I’ve lost 23 or 24lb. So thank you Daily Mail!” Contactmusic
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The Fat on Dieting in the New Year

Pope astutely concludes that this “explains the high failure rate in obesity treatment.” She is adding an important voice to the ongoing controversy over whether dieting helps people maintain any weight loss. Despite ongoing research indicating that dieting not only doesn’t produce lasting weight loss but may also lead to weight gain, especially in teens, many of us fall under the spell and argue in favor of dieting, saying that it is healthy and good, even something to be admired and rewarded, a virtue worth pursuing. The multi-billion dollar diet industry seduces us into believing that cycles of dieting are the best way to achieve the “right” body for each one of us. According to psychologist Deb Burgard, who has been at the forefront of the “Health At Every Size” movement, “They never admit that dieting triggers disordered eating in vulnerable people,” or that it increases physical cravings and emotional deprivation thereby setting up an increased likelihood for binge eating, which eventually increases weight.
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You should try Garcinia Cambogia Extract! ¶ Lose Weight Without Dieting or Exercising with Garcinia

It is not produced by a heavy chemical or pharmaceutical industry and does not contain artificial substances. Get it now…Fast link to get Garcinia Cambogia It is well known that the best producer of high quality food, medicines, supplements, etc., is the nature itself. Millions of years of evolution, or if someone thinks so millions of years of God work are logically better than even a decades of human work. The Man in not better than the God and the Nature. So in Nature do exist much absolutely ready for using products that do solve much of mans problems.
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Insight: Profit Bonanza Eludes Companies Chasing Obesity Business

The Fat on Dieting in the New Year

BURDEN OF DISEASE Obesity prevalence has increased by more than 40 percent across the OECD industrialized countries and half of U.S. adults are now forecast to be obese by 2030 unless Americans change their ways. The condition is a major risk factor for heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes, with the latter alone expected to kill more than 5 million people this year. Lars Sorensen, Novo Nordisk’s veteran chief executive, hopes the clear medical need will help his firm’s move into obesity, although he acknowledges it will not be easy. “It is going to be challenging.
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<h3 garcinia cambogia dr oz style=”clear:both”>Dieting and investing: Simple, but not easy

The multi-billion dollar diet industry seduces us into believing that cycles of dieting are the best way to achieve the “right” body for each one of us. According to psychologist Deb Burgard, who has been at the forefront of the “Health At Every Size” movement, “They never admit that dieting triggers disordered eating in vulnerable people,” or that it increases physical cravings and emotional deprivation thereby setting up an increased likelihood for binge eating, which eventually increases weight. “The problem,” says Burgard, “is people just believe dieting is good, like a religion, and you are the atheist in the room when you question it. There is so much more at stake when people try to lose weight than weight.” It’s all quite scary, especially with more than one-third of America’s kids now being either overweight or obese (triple the rate of thirty years ago). Pediatrician Dr. Robert Pretlow, founder of an interactive website for overweight teens and preteens, identifies “comfort eating,” “stress eating” and “boredom eating” as the major culprits for our rising childhood obesity rates.
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An overweight woman sits on a chair in Times Square in New York, May 8, 2012. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

Yet, even legendary investor Warren Buffett noted that while investing is actually simple, it’s not easy. It’s not easy because we’re human beings, almost hard wired to make mistakes. “Investment Mistakes Even Smart People Make and How to Avoid Them” covered 77 such mistakes. And we’re especially vulnerable to mistakes caused by emotions that lead us to make bad decisions.
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Manning Wants Hormone Therapy In Prison. Will It Happen?

Bradley Manning declared Thursday morning that she was a female, and intended to seek hormone therapy in prison. I am Chelsea Manning. I am female, the private wrote in a statement . Given the way that I feel, and have felt since childhood, I want to begin hormone therapy as soon as possible. I hope that you will support me in this transition. Right now, Army policy suggests there’s a lot of space between requesting hormone therapy and actually receiving it. At the same time, recent case law might make Manning’s argument a bit stronger, after other inmates have successfully petitioned their facilities for treatment.
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Hormone therapy won’t prevent disease after menopause

“It really confirms the timing hypothesis and hopefully will change the way we look at hormone therapy, so it will change the quality of life for many women,” said study author Dr. Louise Schierbeck, who works in the department of endocrinology at Hvidovre Hospital in Denmark. The women took estrogen for about ten years until 2002, when another study, the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), found significant evidence that women taking progestin and estrogen were more likely to develop aggressive breast cancer. Although WHI researchers studied 160,000 women ages 50 to 79, many of whom had chronic diseases already, Danish researchers studied 1,000 women ages 45 to 58, and excluded people who previously had had cancer or other major illnesses, according to the study text , which was published in the BMJ, formerly the British Medical Journal.
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Hormone Therapy Safe in Early Menopause

Hormone therapy is not indicated for long-term disease prevention, Manson said. On the other hand, for women who have recently gone through menopause and are suffering from severe hot flashes, hormone therapy is still the most effective remedy. So short-term use may be appropriate for those women, Manson said. Thats not a new recommendation; experts have long said that short-term hormone therapy should be an option for severe hot flashes.
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